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What You Should Know About Roadworthy Inspections

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Roadworthy inspections are a necessary part of being able to drive. If your vehicle passes, you will receive a roadworthy certificate which shows that your vehicle can be safely driven on public roads. A roadworthy inspection should occur before a car is sold or re-registered. It will also be needed to eliminate a defect notice. A roadworthy certificate is required for most vehicles. Excluded vehicles include taxis and those that are primarily used for transporting goods or passengers. Here is everything that you should know about roadworthy inspections.

What is included in a roadworthy inspection?

Roadworthy inspections should be carried out by a licensed vehicle tester. They will inspect many features of your vehicle, such as the seats, seatbelts, lights, reflectors, wheels, tyres, suspension, braking, steering, windows, windscreen, chassis and the body of the vehicle. A roadworthy inspection is not a full inspection of your vehicle. It does not examine parts such as the air conditioner, electric windows and rear window wipers. The cost of a roadworthy inspection will depend on the type of vehicle that you have.

What happens if your vehicle fails the roadworthy inspection?

If your vehicle fails the roadworthy inspection, you will receive a defect notice. The defect notice may be provided by the police, a state road service or the Environmental Protection Authority. If you have a defect notice, you will not be able to drive until roadworthy repairs have been carried out. Roadworthy repairs may include brake repairs, new wheels or tyres and engine repairs. Roadworthy repairs and a new roadworthy inspection should be carried out as soon as possible.

If you wish to move your vehicle before the repairs are carried out, there will be limitations as to how you can transport your vehicle. Once your vehicle has been repaired, you can drive it from where it was repaired to a licenced tester for a new roadworthy inspection. When your vehicle passes the roadworthy inspection, you will receive a roadworthy certificate and the defect notice will be removed.

What happens if you do not agree with the result of the roadworthy inspection?

If you do not agree with the result of the roadworthy inspection, you can ask for another licensed tester to inspect your vehicle. If the second tester does not agree with the original result, you can either request that the first tester re-tests the vehicle or you can produce a complaint which could be used in court.
